Thursday 7 February 2013


It seems appropriate, but I'm currently reading about reflexivity. How do 'I' and my research connect? Alan Peshkin's 1988 article 'In Search of Subjectivity - One's Own' is an account of how his six 'I's' (Ethnic-Maintenance; Community -Maintenance; E-Pluribus-Unum; Justice-seeking; Pedagogical-meliorist; Nonresearch Human) have influenced his research in both positive and negative ways. He advocates the systematic monitoring of the self to evaluate its impact on the research. I wrote a summary of some of my selves (not sure which 'I' is writing them, though!):

  • My professional role at Staffordshire University currently involves me in working with teams of staff to help them design effective online learning for both blended and distance learning courses. I have designed and run a range of training sessions, workshops, discussion groups, and seminars etc many of which are online. My (paid) work role makes me keen to produce research that is perceived as ‘gold standard’ and can be used to support my role in promoting online learning.
  • In my ‘student’ role, I have studied in classrooms and lecture theatres, and also as an online distance student and found both to be both challenging and stimulating. I have a conscientious approach to my own learning and prefer a linear, structured and methodological approach rather than a loose, experimental course design. This may influence my interest in and preference for certain types of distance learning course designs.
  • As a white, western, middle-class woman I have had the advantages of a free formal education up to degree level that I was able to combine with raising a family. This has led to opportunities for a variety of professional level work. This underpins my interest in, and enthusiasm for, formal accredited education and its benefits for self and society.
Greenbank (2003) discusses a wide range of ways that values impact on the research and attempts to suggest ways to minimise the impact. But it seems there is no way to do this - the best he can suggest is that all researchers, both those using qualitative and quantitative methods, are aware of their values and perspectives and share them with their readers.

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